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Sundar Rajis a fruit vendor on State Bank Street close to the REACH office in Chennai. When he was diagnosed with TB four years ago, he couldn’t accept the diagnosis initially. After two weeks of treatment, he stopped medication. He fell ill again and had to be admitted for a few days. On discharge he approached REACH and took DOTS treatment, and had a full recovery.

As he sells bananas, he is a TB activist in his own small way -when he notices a person with a cough he warns them that it could be TB and advices them to get tested.
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Meenatchiis a 35-year-old Self Help Group leader residing at Thiruvotiyur in Chennai. During the REACH USAID project period she learnt all about TB. Ever since she has been actively and passionately involved in the cause. She identifies and refers symptomatics for diagnosis and treatment and has been a DOTS provider for several patients. When she finds a patient unable to afford transport or tests costs, she pays for them and ensures that they don’t drop out due to financial reasons.